Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Extreme Knit and Crochet!

For the past three weeks I have been volunteering at mini camps held at the Little Bits Workshop in River Forest.  While all of the camps have been fabulous, my favorite week was "Extreme Knit and Crochet".  The kids and instructors had a blast working collaboratively on banners that are now festooning trees on Lake Street.

Balloon Tree

Ice cream Tree

The tree that has garnered the most attention is the Wishing Tree.  Liita had the idea for the kids to make blank tags so passerby could write a wish and hang it from the tree branches.

It is so beautiful to see all of the wishes hanging from the tree!  To see more about this project, you can watch a video on the Little Bits Workshop site. http://thelittlebitsworkshop.com/thelittlebitsworkshop.com/Home.html

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