Tuesday, May 27, 2014

GWMS Week 5.7

G.W.M.S. Week 5.7

All of the center are open!  Sewing has been a big hit.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

GWMS Week 5.6

G.W.M.S. Week 5.6

Sewing has begun and we have lots of stuffed animals being made in the art room!  It is great to watch the students' sketches being transformed into 3-D soft sculptures.

The construction center opens this week!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

GWMS Week 5.5

G.W.M.S. Week 5.5

Painting continues while others move on to printmaking.  I have really enjoyed seeing the variety of prints the students are making, especially the collographs.

We had a great teacher appreciation week, especially the fantastic lunch provided by the GWMS parents!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

GWMS Week 5.4

GWMS Week 5.4

We have been talking about how to look at things around us in a new way - to notice the little details, and not just rely on our memory to produce a work of art.

Students are finding images of interest to them on the internet and looking at objects in the art room to use for subject matter in their paintings.  

Next week, we will begin printmaking!