Friday, March 28, 2014

GWMS Week 4.7

Week 4.7

Today is the last day of the fourth rotation.  Hope everyone enjoys their spring break!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

GWMS Week 4.6

G.W.M.S. Week 4.6

Only one more week of the fourth rotation - time sure flies!  This past Thursday was Collage, District 103's fine arts festival.  The elementary art teachers and I displayed work from our school in the media center for the night.  We had a great turn out and it was nice to see the students' art being celebrated.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

GWMS Week 4.5

GWMS Week 4.5

The students are having fun exploring painting and printmaking.  We also had several students work on the "Doodle 4 Google" project - it would be fantastic to have a GWMS student's design win!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

GWMS Week 4.4

GWMS Week 4.4

We all hope spring is just around the corner!  Even with snow on the ground, there are flowers blooming in the art room.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

GWMS Week 4.3

GWMS Week 4.3

Some lovely collage projects have been created this past week!  

In Art Club we worked on another collaborative art project inspired by the Mandala Project.  We did not have enough students to make a whole "blanket" so we filled these display boards instead.