I can not believe this will be the last video for the year! I have been so pleased with the students' acceptance of TAB, as well as the support of the administration at George Washington.
Sewing has begun and we have lots of stuffed animals being made in the art room! It is great to watch the students' sketches being transformed into 3-D soft sculptures.
Painting continues while others move on to printmaking. I have really enjoyed seeing the variety of prints the students are making, especially the collographs.
We had a great teacher appreciation week, especially the fantastic lunch provided by the GWMS parents!
We have been talking about how to look at things around us in a new way - to notice the little details, and not just rely on our memory to produce a work of art.
Students are finding images of interest to them on the internet and looking at objects in the art room to use for subject matter in their paintings.
Painting is open! The students are always so glad when the painting center is available for them. This past week we experimented mixing colors with tempera paint. I am looking forward to this week and seeing what they can do with watercolors.
The last group of students have started the 5th rotation in the art room - I can not believe this year is almost over! I have learned so much as a first-year TAB teacher. I like to think the students have learned a lot too. As the 8th graders prepare to move onto high school, it is my hope that many of them will continue to study art.
Only one more week of the fourth rotation - time sure flies! This past Thursday was Collage, District 103's fine arts festival. The elementary art teachers and I displayed work from our school in the media center for the night. We had a great turn out and it was nice to see the students' art being celebrated.
The students are having fun exploring painting and printmaking. We also had several students work on the "Doodle 4 Google" project - it would be fantastic to have a GWMS student's design win!
Some lovely collage projects have been created this past week!
In Art Club we worked on another collaborative art project inspired by the Mandala Project. We did not have enough students to make a whole "blanket" so we filled these display boards instead.
We wrapped up the second week of the fourth rotation. The drawing center and the collage center are open, with painting opening tomorrow.
Below is a picture of a canvas painted by the GWMS Art Club. We are participating in the "Dream Rocket" project (dream rocket), sponsored by the International Fiber Collaborative. They plan to stitch together 8,000 panels to cover a replica of the Saturn V Moon Rocket. I am so glad that we could participate in this project!
The third rotation is over tomorrow. We missed four days this time around because of the crazy-cold weather. Luckily, the art room is always warm and full of energy.
I decided to have students work on a collaborative project to conclude this session. All six of my classes had the chance to paint on popsicle sticks with acrylic paint. I hot-glued the sticks to a canvas that we painted black. (I originally saw an image of this project on Pinterest - so thank you, to whomever came up with this idea) I think it turned out very well!
Our fiber center was opened this week and the students jumped at the chance to make their own stuffed animals and pillows. We viewed examples of "Ugly Dolls" as inspiration, but the students definitely had their own ideas. I think they turned out fantastic!
Drawing, painting, collage and now printmaking are open in the GWMS Art room. The students had the opportunity to create monoprints as well as relief prints using styrofoam or cardboard collographs.
Two weeks off for winter break, plus two extra days off for the "Polar Vortex Event" gave us a three day week. The students transitioned well back to school and were ready to make art. This week's video shows what has been happening in the collage center.