Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 5

Wonderful week 5!
Weavings, landscapes and portraits filled the room this week. 

Early dismissal today with 20 minute classes?  No problem - we worked on zentangles!
To learn more about zentangles, visit:

Saturday, September 21, 2013

GWMS Week 4

Week 4 and we have lots of work to show!  The students have all of the centers open: drawing, painting, collage, printmaking and fiber.

Weaving on a cardboard loom was a big hit this week as well as sewing decorative pillows.  Here are a few photos of the students at work:

Friday, September 13, 2013

GWMS Art Studio

Week 3

The students were excited to paint with watercolors earlier this week.  They especially loved learning different techniques, such as resist and sprinkling salt on to the wet paint.

After talking about the color wheel and how to mix colors we switched to tempera paint.  They really enjoyed mixing the paint on their palette to create "new" colors.

The printmaking center was also added this week.  The students had a chance to make monoprints as well as styrofoam relief prints.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 2

Week 2 in GWMS Art Studio:  We created a lot of art in the drawing and collage centers!  This was exceptional, as we only had a four day week with the Labor Day Holiday.

The painting and printmaking centers will open this week.  I can't wait to see the creativity the students bring to these new centers.